Studies & Evocations

Performance - Kunsthalle Graz

"Studies & Evocations", Performance, Paul Divjak & Wolfgang Schlögl

©Arnold Reinisch / Kunsthalle Graz

“Oh beauty before us,
beauty behind us,
beauty to our right,
beauty to our left,
beauty above us,
beauty below us …
We are on the pollen path again …”

A performative requiem for a deceased bee colony: Paul Divjak & Wolfgang Schlögl, the two gentlemen bee pop-shamans are back and connecting with the magical world of the honey bee. – A piece in which Monsanto meets spirituality, and Beuys „Honigpumpe“ keeps on vibrating as a reference somewhere in the back of the audience´s minds.

Paul Divjak und Wolfgang Schlögl (aka I-Wolf) treten als Bienenbotschafter auf und laden zu einer multimedialen performativen Inszenierung. Mit ihrer Performance nehmen sie eine quasi rituelle Anrufung verstorbener Bienenvölker vor und vermessen den Raum zeremoniell. Dabei oszilliert ihre Haltung zwischen wissenschaftlich/technologischen Annäherungsmodellen und archaischen Methoden zur Herstellung gemeinschaftlicher (Grenz)-Erfahrungen.


Partizipative Performance - Art Brut Museum

Setup “Klanglulu”, Art Brut Museum, Gugging

„Klanglulu“, Art Brut Museum, Gugging (participative sound performance)

With their site-specific sound performances / workshops Divjak & Schlögl explore the possibilities and intersections of sound art, live composition, performativity and participation.
The two artists are inviting and enabling the audience to be part of a collective sound producing ceremony. By using everyday tools like a hammer, pencils or kitchen ware in a nonfunctional, creative way the audience and the artists learn to consciously redefine their relationships towards their personal environments in a sensual manner. From this perspective the whole group of participants become some sort of musical entity. Fascinating orchestral soundscapes are taking shape and new spaces of shared experiences are beeing created. — mehr —