Grün / Grün / Grün

Smellscape / Duftinstallation – Salotto, Vienna

Salotto Vienna

Der Künstler Paul Divjak hat den zarten Duft eines blühenden Orangenhains durch die New Yorker Neue Galerie wehen lassen. Er hat internationale Museen in mittelalterlich stinkende Kloaken verwandelt und zuletzt auf Einladung der Wiener Achse den Pratersauna Art Space zu einem synthetischen Erdbeerland gemacht.

Exklusiv für den Salotto Vienna destillierte und komponierte Divjak nun ein olfaktorisches Naturlandschaftsbild und holt Wald und Wiese, Hochnebel und Moos nach Aspern Seestadt.

// The artist Paul Divjak already let the soft smell of a blooming orange grove through the Neue Galerie New York. He turned international museums into stinky medieval cesspits and recently he was invited by Wiener Achse to make the Art Space in Pratersauna smell like a strawberry land.

Exclusively for Salotto Vienna Divjak was distilling and composing an olfactory natural landscape. He brings wood and lawn, high fog and dosh to Aspern Seestadt.

Salotto Vienna

Diffusing Terpenes

KMH, Liechtenstein, 2022

"Diffusing Terpenes" © Paul Divjak / Bildrecht

“Diffusing Terpenes” © Paul Divjak / Bildrecht

“Diffusing Terpenes: The Effects of Forest Bathing” (Scent installation at the occasion of: “durchforsten”, KMH – küefermartishuus / Liechtenstein, 27.5 – 18.12. 2022)

Studies have shown the significant physiological effect forest atmosphere can have on humans. This circumstance has lead to the so-called trend of “forest bathing” (Shinrin Yoku). Scientists assume that the effects are achieved by breathing in the forest atmosphere, which contains various phytochemicals produced mainly by trees. So far, many terpenes prevalent in forest air have been found to have strong biological activities; their possible antiviral, antibacterial, antitumourigenic or neuroprotective effects have been demonstrated. Although research is increasingly focusing on the potential impacts, scientific data and evidence as well as the understanding of the potential and possible uses of terpenes are still lacking in many cases. — mehr —

Diffusing Molecules #2

Scent Design for the Museum of Natural History

Scent design for the travelling exhibition KINGDOM OF SALT / DAS WEISSE GOLD DER KELTEN [Clients: Museum of Natural History, Vienna / Museumspartner, Innsbruck]

Focusing on the newest interdisciplinary research, the exhibition shows the town of Hallstatt, located in the Austrian Alps, as a “cradle of Europe’s industrialisation”: a progression of settlement and mining over 7000 years.

Visitors can explore the displays in the shape of huge „salt blocks“, i.e atmospheric rooms, which provide ambient sounds, video projections, multimedia shows, computer animations – and historical on location-smellscapes.

For this show I´m providing –  in cooperation with German scent specialist Elke Kies from MagicBox – the Museum of Natural History (Vienna) with expertise, conceptual development and the exclusive creation of unique olfactory experiences: from the neolithic age up to 350 BC, from „untouched nature“ to the smell of „the global village“.

MARQ – Alicante/Spain [14.06.2013 - 31.01.2014]
WESTFÄLISCHES LANDESMUSEUM – Herne/Germany [23.08.2014 - 25.01.2015]
Staatliches Museum für Archäologie Sachsen [03.07.2015 - 03.01.2016]

Trust Room

by Jeanette Müller – Muscat, Oman (SoL Global Forum)

Trust Room

©Jeanette Müller

For this project at the intersection of applied sociopolitical utopia and conceptual art I developed an all natural scent diffused in a huge tent, placed in front of the Hilton, Muscat.

The aim was to create an overall feel good-atmosphere, which effects calmness, strength and clarity and helps the international participants to get into a grounded and confident mood before heading to their presentations, conference panels and discussions.

Jeanette Müller / Trust Room